Human Breath
Taking Toll on Munch's Iconic Scream
Originally, figure was smiling. |
Researchers Report Internet
Download Speeds 1,000 Times
Faster Than Current Fastest
To test it they've been non-stop
binge-watching everything on Netflix
for two months. |
Survey: You Officially Become
“Old” When You Turn 57
Fifty-seven is the new sixty-five. |
Coronavirus Causes 17% Drop in
Global Carbon Transmissions
New fear: global cooling. |
Wildlife Thriving in
Closed National Parks
They're staying in park lodgings,
eating at park concessions, shopping
in park gift shops. |
According to a recent survey, what
percentage of Republicans believes
Bill Gates will use a coronavirus
vaccine to implant microchips in them? |
A ) | Less than 1% |
B ) | Less than 3% |
C ) | Less than 5% |
D ) | More than 40% |
Hint: imagine millions of people
unexplainably donating money to Microsoft. |
Trump Urges Reopening
Houses of Worship
Hundreds crowd into Church of Satan. |
TMZ Snaps Photo
of Trump Wearing Mask
National Enquirer pays undisclosed
amount to “catch and kill” it. |