White House Press Secretary
Unintentionally Displays Trump |
Check With
His Banking Information
Seems he's $6 trillion overdrawn. |
Trump Refuses to Unveil Obama
Portrait at White House
“He never hung my picture up, why
should I put up his?” he asks. |
JP Morgan CEO: Pandemic
A “Wake-Up Call” to Build
Fairer Society
Gives his chauffeur a 10% raise. |
Fortunes of U.S. Billionaires Grew
by $434 Billion Since Coronavirus Crisis
Mostly from stimulus checks. |
Michael Jordan's
Game-Worn Sneakers Sell for $560,000
Winning bidder thrilled they had his size. |
Trump White House Drafting Legal
Blueprint for Moon Mining
Also subdivisions, golf courses, wall. |
New Study: Intelligent Life Most
Likely Exists Elsewhere in Universe
Just not here. |
Scientists Produce
Iridescent Chocolate
Hope it proves more popular than iridescent ham. |
Encouraging Signs for Vaccine in
Initial Test Trials on Monkeys
Researchers hope more monkeys volunteer
for further trials. |
Survey: 3 in 5 Unable or Unwilling
to Participate in Contact Tracing
Most common reason: “What if my wife
finds out?” |
Poll: 1 in 6 Rely on Trump for
Information About Coronavirus
But only 1 in 7 would chug-a-lug Clorox. |