As America transitions to a kleptocracy. |
Trump Claims:
My Crowd Bigger Than Obama's
If you count no-shows. |
President Says He Can Bring
Projected $21.6 Billion Cost
Of Border Wall “Way Down”
By stiffing contractors. |
Nieto Won't Come to U.S.
“The wall's already working!” boasts Trump. |
Ivanka Trump Given West Wing
Office, Security Clearance
And her own line of White House stationery. |
Trump: “By Far the Highest IQ”
of Any Cabinet in History
If you don't include Rick Perry, he added. |
Trump Meets
With Saudis, Considers Them Important Allies
In the fight against Western Civilization. |
Revealed: Flynn a Foreign Agent
for Turkey While Advising Trump
Claims it was fine with Trump and okayed by
Putin. |
Trump Makes Japan's
Prime Minister Wince With Vigorous Handshake
Then gives him a noogie (not shown). |
APRIL - JUNE, 2017 |
Failure to Repeal Obamacare
Leaves Conservatives in Misery
Miserable because twenty-four million will get
to keep their healthcare. |
White House Budget Director:
We Can't Ask Single Moms to
Pay for PBS
Considering how much they're already spending
on aircraft carriers, new nukes, Trump
family security. |
Irael: Trump
Visits Wailing Wall
Complains to it about all the unfair press
he's getting. |
Trump Comment That Korea
“Once Part of China” Deeply
Upsets Koreans
Says he heard it from Dennis Rodman. |
Trump Withdraws From
Paris Accord
Doesn't want to belong to any club that
would have him as a member. |
North Korea Successfully
Launches Ballistic Missile
“I double-dare them to attack South
Korea with nukes,” tweets Trump. |
Trump Drives
Runaway Truck Without Brakes Towards
Impenetrable Barrier
On National Metaphor Day. |