Report: Epstein,
Trump Only Men at Party Attended
by “28 Young Swimsuit Models”
“A lot of invitations got lost in
the mail,” says White House. |
Looming Revolution: Human Actors Replaced
by Virtual Actors
Represented by virtual agents. |
VW Beetle Production Ends
Car remembered fondly by hippies and
Nazis alike. |
Richard Branson's
Virgin Galactic to Go Public
Branson himself plans to spend next
six months in orbit if IPO bombs. |
Miami: Poor Pressured to
Move to Areas More Likely
To Flood as Wealthy Abandon Coastline
Opportunistic developers seen passing out “Move to
lower ground” leaflets in English and Spanish. |
NASA's Excitement Over Release
of Methane on Mars Dies Down
After No Further Readings
New theory points to NASA scientist who forgot
to take Beano. |
Automobile Fatalities Have
Increased by 3% Since
Emergence of Ride-Hailing Apps
Uber, Lyft “have helped a lot,” says
spokesperson for organ donor network. |
Study: It's Healthier, More
Productive to Be Yourself at Work
Even if not everyone in the office is
into puns, wedgies, practical jokes. |
Study: No Evidence of Added
Benefit in Most New Drugs
Just a mind-boggling list of additional
side effects. |