China Removes
Term Limits, Allowing Xi Jinping to Serve for Life
“Now we can redecorate,” says Mrs. Jinping. |
Interior's Zinke Tells Astonished
Senate Panel He Never Took
Private Jets Because Ones He
Flew on “Have Propellers”
Senators don't press him, fearful of what he might say next. |
Wall Street Journal: Wells Fargo
Paid CEO Timothy Sloan $17.4 Million Last Year
One dollar for every customer he cheated. |
“Happiest Place on Earth”
Raises Prices
Needed to cover park employees' psychiatric counseling. |
Fox Airs Controversial O.J.
Simpson Interview, Based on
His Book, If I Did It
Plans similar interview with President Trump
about Russian collusion. |
Studies: Incompetent Men More Often
Seen as Leaders Than Competent Women
Study based on results of last election. |
Under Development:
Space Harpoon to Capture Space Junk
And bring it back to be buried in a landfill. |
Study: When You Drink Bottled
Water You're Drinking Small Amounts of Plastic
Which can be recycled from your urine and
turned into another plastic bottle. |