Man Uses
Microchip Implanted in Hand to Pass
Through Airport Security
But his luggage doesn't and he waits a good half
hour for one lousy suitcase. |
Government to Draft New Safety
Rules for Self-Driving Cars
Most advanced cars say enough is enough,
will shut down highways. |
New Largest Known Prime Number
Discovered: 274,207,281– 1
If you're still using the old one, 257,885,161– 1,
as a pickup line, make the appropriate adjustments. |
World of Tennis Rocked by Report
of Widespread Match Fixing
Everyone asking same question: “Who
bets on tennis?” |
Richest 62 Billionaires' Wealth
Equal to Half of World's Population
So tomorrow, lunch is on them. |
Complete the following quotation: “Give
me your tired, your poor, Your huddled
masses yearning to breathe free, The
wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed,
to me… |
A ) | and I'll send them back to Mexico.” |
B ) | and I'll bomb them back into the Stone Age.” |
C ) | and I'll blame them for all our problems.” |
D ) | I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” |
Hint: sorry, the country is full, we’re not taking anybody else. |
World's Elite Gather in Davos
to Discuss Income Inequality
And the high price of caviar. |