An Inflatable
Life Preserver You Wear on Your Wrist!
Say you're on a cruise, it's a beautiful night, you take
a walk on deck with your wife, when suddenly she pushes
you overboard. If you're wearing one of these, and
somebody else notices, you'll be taken back on board
and be able to pursue charges. $89.99, at Pier 1. |
George W. Bush Receives
$100,000 for Speaking to
Wounded Iraq War Vets
What's wrong with this picture? |
25 Million Have Had Personal
Data Hacked
Now only people who know you’ve been
cheating on your spouse is the other woman
and a few hundred officers of the North
Korean Army. |
Google's Algorithm Shows
Prestigious Job Ads to Men,
But Not Women
Seamlessly combines complex mathematical
formula with male chauvinism. |
The most important reason the Germans are
insisting on tough austerity measures for Greece is: |
A ) | Discipline. |
B ) | No Mollycoddling for deadbeats. |
C ) | Lebensraum. |
Hint: Also the need to protect Germans living in Poland. |
| Gay-Themed Comic Books
A Growing Trend
Not just Archie Comics, but
The Incredible Hulk and The
Thing are now married. |