Mexican Drug Kingpin 'El Chapo'
Escapes From Maximum Security
Prison for Second Time
Retrieved some personal items left
behind making first escape. |
Americans Will Spend $60 Billion
This Year on Their Pets
We love not wisely, but too well. |
Trucker Shortage Prompts Call to
Let 18-Year-Olds Drive Big Rigs
They're mature, have long attention
spans, never text, talk, blast music or do
anything distracting. |
New Airline
Seating Plan Called “Economy Class
Cabin Hexagon”
Designed to efficiently accommodate
greater number of angry, miserable,
dehumanized passengers. |
People Who Use Twitter on Daily Basis
More Likely to Masturbate Every Day
And vice versa. |
Survey Finds Top Two Cities for Adultery:
Austin, Texas, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Pittsburgh??? |
Three Monkeys' Brains, Connected
to Computer, Work in Tandem to
Move Animated Objects
Researchers hope to connect
infinite number of monkeys'
brains to write Shakespeare,
or a sellable screenplay. |
Study: Playing Tetris Blocks
Out Traumatic Flashbacks
Unless you were once knocked
unconscious by a bunch of
falling boxes. |
Report: Leading Psychologists
Protected U.S. Torture Program
In exchange for overnight stay at
White House. |