World's Smallest
Remote- Controlled Helicopter Unveiled
Capable of firing six miniature Hellfire missiles up
an enemy's nose. |
Facebook Accidentally Releases
Six Million Users' Personal
Information to Other Users
Glitch fixed, six million users return to sharing
their personal information with other users. |
Despite Objections of Activists,
China Holds Dog Meat Festival
And awards Best in Show. |
Most Approve of Massive
Surveillance Program
See it as great way to get noticed. |
New Jersey Bans Trash-Talking
In High School Sports
If you yell “Hey batter-batter-batter...” you
must now add “good luck!” |
In a news conference, Obama
hinted that he might replace Ben Bernanke as Chief
of the Federal Reserve. How did he convey this hint
to Bernanke personally? |
A ) | He invited
him to the White House and gave him a gold watch. |
B ) | He showed
up at Bernanke’s office with a surprise gift of golf clubs. |
C ) | He sent him
a discount voucher for a 3-month around-the-world cruise. |
D ) | He told Charlie
Rose in a televised interview Bernanke was like someone
else who was leaving who was on the job too long. |
Hint: If Bernanke was the only one
watching Charlie Rose that night, he could consider it
personal. |
Manitoba Wendy's
Drops “T-Rex Burger” From Menu
Halting mass extinction of its customers. |