Jane Fonda to
Cross Country Whipping Up
Opposition to Iraq War
Tour paid for by White
House. |
Rats Fed Artificial Sweetener
Develop Leukemia, Lymphoma
But other rats impressed with how good
they look. |
British Survey: Men Less
Attracted to Brainy Women
“Our perspicacity often engenders
in the male a proclivity toward
detumescence,” observes one. |
Canadian Lab to Test Hair
Claimed to Be From Sasquatch
Will test for drugs, alcohol. |
Big Labor Breaks Up
Dissenting unions didn't like holding
annual meeting at Wal-Mart. |
Japanese ATM
Doubles As Slot Machine
Makes depositing your paycheck
“much more fun” claims
manufacturer. |
Stealthy Sports
Car is Invisible To Radar!
If you like going a hundred and twenty on
the interstate but hate getting stopped by
Broderick Crawford, then this is the horseless
carriage for you. The sleek new Penumbra
XL from Lamborghini may be a bit pricey
at $245,000 ($395,00 when equipped with
heat-seeking missiles), but think of the
money you'll save on speeding tickets!
Seats one. At Lamborghinis For Less. |
Save a Fortune On
Clothes With This Clever Device!
Hate paying twenty-five bucks for a lousy
t-shirt? Of course, you're also paying for a
brand name, advertising and the trendy
store's mark-up. Cut out the middlemen!
Not a loom, not a sewing machine, the
amazing Spinning Jenny®
takes raw cotton or wool and turns it into
anything you like, and for pennies. $49.99,
exclusively at Third World Exports. |
British Study: Best Way to
Woo Women Is Wining, Dining
Second best way: dining, whining. |