U.S. Time Chart:
World War II and War in Iraq |
World War II |
Iraq |
Dec. 7,
1941: Pearl Harbor |
Mar. 19,
2003: U.S. Invades Iraq |
April 9,
1942: U.S forces surrender at
Bataan |
April 9,
2003: Saddam's statue
toppled |
June 4-6 ,
1942: U.S. victory in Battle of
Midway |
May 1, 2003: Bush
declares "Mission
accomplished" from aircraft
carrier deck |
Aug. 7, 1942: U.S.
marines land on Guadalcanal |
May 29, 2003: Bush:
"We found the WMD" |
Nov. 8, 1942: Allies
land in Algeria, Morocco |
June 6, 2003:
Rumsfeld: "pockets of
dead-enders" |
May 13,
1943: Axis forces surrender in
North Africa |
July 2, 2003: Bush:
"Bring ‘em on" |
July 10,
1943 Allied forces land in Sicily |
Dec. 14, 2003:
Saddam captured |
Sept. 9,
1943: Allied forces land in
Salerno |
April 4, 2004: U.S.
forces attack Fallujah |
June 6,
1944: D-Day |
April 28,
2004: Photos of torture at Abu
Ghraib appear in newspapers, on
TV |
Oct. 20, 1944:
Allies land in Philippines |
June 28, 2004: U.S.
transfers sovereignty |
Dec. 16, 1944:
Battle of the Bulge |
Oct. 7,
2004: Duelfer Report: No WMD |
March 16,
1945: U.S. marines capture Iwo
Jima |
Nov. 8, 2004: U.S.
forces attack Fallujah again |
May 7, 1945: Germany
surrenders |
May 30, 2005:
Cheney: Insurgency in its
"last throes" |
Aug. 6, 1945:
Hiroshima |
Nov. 30, 2005: White
House unveils "National
Strategy for Victory in
Iraq" |
Sept. 2, 1945: Japan
signs surrender on deck of U.S.S.
Missouri |
Aug. 3, 2006:
General John Abizaid says civil
war possible in Iraq |
elapsed time for U.S: 3 years, 8
months, 25 days. |
elapsed time for U.S: 3 years, 5
months, 9 days and counting. |