Trump, DeSantis
Feud Grows
They're no longer on each other's
speed dial. |
Celebrities' Deepfakes Have
Begun Appearing in Ads,
Without Permission
Many doubt Noam Chomsky agreed to be
a pitchman for Tootsie Pops. |
Computer Analysis Finds
Women on News Shows Get
Fewer Chances to Speak
Finds they can talk all they want
when they do the weather. |
Latest Data Show American
Workers' Productivity Has Plunged
And, as if to prove it, latest data
was delivered late. |
Facebook's Profits
Plunge After Big Bet on Metaverse
“Given the choice, people prefer
the universe,“ one expert points out. |
International Center Established
To Plan Humanity's Response to Extraterrestrials
Something more thought out than
just “sup dude?” |
Observed “Playing” With Colored
Wooden Balls, Suggesting Insects
Could Engage in Childish Play
Researchers watch, fascinated, then
shoo them out the window. |
Research: Americans More
Likely to Die Early in Red
States vs. Blue States
Working conditions, gun safety,
tobacco, plus eating a lard-heavy
diet versus a plant-based one. |
Last week, in a story about the
World Cup, we reported that the
host country, Qatar, is graciously
offering free tickets to families
of the scores of migrant workers
killed there during construction.
Actually, Qatar is offering free
tickets to anyone promising not
to mention the brutal conditions
that led to those deaths, and for
reporting anyone who does. We
apologize for the confusion. |