Website Uses
Powerful Deepfake AI to Digitally
Undress Women
Software first developed to screen
applicants for a nudist colony. |
Report: Some Christian School
Textbooks Teach Slavery as
“Black Immigration”
They came here attracted by the
beautiful plantations, and free rent
for life. |
Study: Escort Services, Strip
Clubs Actually Help Reduce
Sex Crimes
And length of political careers. |
San Francisco
Considering High Tech $12,000 Trash Cans
People who pick through trash have
been demanding it. |
According to an analysis by
the Economic Policy Institute,
the average worker's pay has
risen 18% since 1978. How much
did the average CEO's pay rise
since 1978? |
A ) |
22% |
B ) |
32% |
C ) |
50% |
D ) |
1,322% |
Hint: it's good to be king-er, boss. |
Latest Climate Warning
Most Dire Yet
For first time in history it's
all caps. |
Shroud of Turin Used to Create
3D Copy of Jesus
Scale model available for use on
dashboards. |