Report: Ted Cruz
May be Buying His Own Books
Through Mystery Company
He claims to have read A Time for
Truth over 200,000 times. |
Pence Patches Things Up
With Trump
“No hard feelings” for sending
bloodthirsty mob to Capitol to
hang him, he tells former boss. |
Senators Romney, Cotton Propose
Legislation Raising Minimum Wage
to $10 by 2025
That's $10 a day. |
Capitol Arrests Reveal Many
Insurgents Successful Business
Several of country's top CEOs left
feces, urine in lawmakers' offices. |
Amazon's Alexa
Echo Show 10 Monitors Your
Movement, Follows You Around
Sets off piercing alarm if you ask
Google or Siri something. |
Researchers: Dogs Know
When We're Lying
If you lie a lot, get a cat. |
Scientists Using Brain Stimulation
to Remove Fear, Boost Confidence
Hope to get cost of treatment below
going price for two shots of Tequila. |
NASA: Perseverance
Rover Runs on Processors Used
in 1990s iMacs
Their design protects against
radiation, but their playlist
could scare off any intelligent
life. |
Britain's National
Health Service Warns Against
Gwyneth Paltrow's “Kombucha and
Kimchi” Covid Advice
Those who've tried “intuitive fasting,”
“herbal cocktails,” and regular visits
to an “infrared sauna” say it's no
better than an aspirin. |