Report: Jared
Kushner's Property Firm Files to Evict Hundreds of
Families During Raging Pandemic
After tenants refuse to vote for his
father-in-law. |
Fox News Anchors Told Not to
Refer to Biden as President-Elect
And refer to Kamala Harris as “that woman.” |
Walmart Lays Off Shelf-Scanning
Robots, Replaces Them With Humans
“The most humiliating part is we have to
train our replacement,” one robot laments. |
High-End Stores
Boarded Up in Anticipation of Rioting, Looting
Fear violence from angry mobs of
Republicans furious Trump lost,
and angry mobs of Democrats furious
they failed to take back Senate. |
Researchers: Up to 50% of
Early Big Game Hunters in
the Americas Were Female
They were hunters and gatherers and housekeepers. |
Mystery: No
One Knows Why Earth Keeps Pulsating
Every 26 Seconds
If you know why, or know someone who
knows why, there are a bunch of
scientists who'd love to hear from you. |
Study: Jellyfish May Have Been
First Animal Group to Evolve
Keep that in mind if you're ever stung
by one. |
Study: Conservatives More Likely
to Follow Covid Guidelines if
Told it Will Protect Them
Less likely if told it will harm liberals. |
Study: Psychedelic Substance in
Magic Mushrooms Can Alleviate Depression
Everyone should take them, it concludes. |