Expert: Within a Few Years
Tourists Will Visit Hotels in Space
As always, avoid the minibar, it's not included. |
F-16 Pilot Loses Simulated
Dogfight With an AI Pilot
Top guns advised to keep their day jobs. |
Germany: New Law Requires
Owners Take Their Dog on
Two One-Hour Walks Daily
And an extra walk on holidays. |
Cohen Book: Trump “a Cheat,
a Liar, a Fraud, a Bully, a
Racist, a Predator, a Con Man”
And those are just the chapter titles. |
Athlete-Only Dorms, Banned
In 1990s, Could be NCAA's
Answer to Pandemic
Athlete-only colleges even more cost-effective. |
Since his election, how many of
President Trump's associates have
been indicted or convicted of a crime? |
A ) |
1 |
B ) |
2 |
C ) |
3 |
D ) |
4 |
E ) |
5 |
F ) |
6 |
G ) |
7 |
H ) |
8 |
Hint: sorry, we lost count. |
Transparent Restrooms Installed
in Tokyo Public Parks
After rising demand by Tokyo's growing
voyeur population. |