Israel Opens
Floating Cinema For Coronavirus-Safe Viewing
Unfortunately, most left well before
end of Jaws. |
UK: New Guidance Advises
Filmmakers to Avoid Sex
Scenes to Protect Actors
And stop screwing ingenues. |
Average CEO Pay Rose to
$21.3 Million Last Year, Could
Rise Again Despite Pandemic
But frozen turkeys at Christmas are
out due to an abundance of caution. |
Apple Becomes First U.S.
Company Worth $2 Trillion
$1 trillion if they paid U.S. taxes. |
Goldman Sachs
Unveils its Own Font, Goldman
You'll begin noticing it in your
foreclosure letter. |
Study: Smiling More Often Tricks
Your Brain Into Feeling Happy
Though it occasionally leads to a
punch in the mouth. |
Trump Opens Up Arctic
Refuge to Drilling
McDonald's in Alaska promises
Caribou McNuggets once drilling
starts. |
Death Valley Hits 130º, Third
Hottest Ever Recorded
But it dips down to low 100s at night,
so bring a sweater. |
Scientists Grow First Functioning
Mini Human Heart Model
Eventually they'll be grown in quantity
and sold to Silicon Valley billionaires. |
Study: Mindfulness, Meditation Can
Worsen Depression and Anxiety
Suggests twelve-step program to
overcome mindfulness. |