Prince Harry:
“Just Call Me Harry”
“Or you can call me Ray, or you can
call me RJ, or you can call me Ray J,
but you doesn't have to call me Prince
Harry.” |
Hollywood: Apple Won't Let
Movie Villains Use iPhones
Offers them free to good guys, heroes. |
Coronavirus Fears Causing
Steep Drop in Sales of
Corona Beer
Also Corona cigars, Smith-Corona typewriters. |
Stocks Lose
$6 Trillion in Value in One Week
Billionaires become millionaires,
millionaires become extremely
wealthy, extremely wealthy become
merely very rich. |
Astronomers to
Sweep Entire Sky for Signs of Intelligent Life
If they don't see anything they'll
check out back and in the parking lot. |
Survey: People Who Nap
Regularly More Productive,
Happier Than Non-Nappers
Those who sleep past noon happier still,
but less productive. |
Poses New Threat
You can contract disease just by staring at it. |
Study: Low-Fat Diet May Lower
Testosterone Levels in Men
Doctors advise patients: “eat two
cheeseburgers and call me in the morning.” |