Trump Campaign
Ad About Small Business Features Store in Tokyo
Sharp-eyed viewers notice “Fresh
Whale Meat” sign in window. |
Face-Reading AI Can Tell Police
When Suspects are Lying
Have been programmed to ignore when
police are lying. |
Intercepted Cable: UK's
Ambassador Describes Trump As “Inept,”
“Insecure,” “Incompetent”
He apologizes, says he meant to add
“insufferable.” |
More Than Half of American
Families Live in “Asset-Poverty”
With No Savings
Ask one about it next time
you take Uber. |
The Dept. of Defense
maintains military bands. How many, and
at what cost? |
A ) | 3, at a cost of $5 million. |
B ) | 13, at a cost of $15 million. |
C ) | 31, at a cost of $55 million. |
D ) | 75, at a cost of $215 million. |
E ) | 136, at a cost of $500 million. |
Hint: we'll win any battle of the bands. |
Alaska: Anchorage Hits
Record 90°
Fedders opens first sales office in state. |
Washington State
Court: Bikini Clad Baristas Must Cover Up
After customer complaints about breast milk in
their mochaccinos. |