AG William Barr
Shows Off His Musical Skills
Besides the bagpipes, he also plays
kazoo, ocarina, cowbell and spoons. |
Revealed: 2008 Hollywood Warehouse
Fire Destroyed Masters of Virtually
Every Important Recording
Artist of 20th Century
All that survived: The Chipmunks. |
Report: Developers of Boeing 737
Max's Flawed Software Low-Paid
Temp Workers, Recent College Grads
And their friends. |
Current Rolling
Stones Tour Sponsored by Firm
Selling Annuities
Concession stands offer reverse mortgages,
cemetery plots. |
Study: Planting One Trillion Trees Could
Capture Huge Amount of Carbon Dioxide
Enough to let us drive Hummers again. |

Study Determines Cigar-Shaped
Rock Called “Oumuamua”
Not an Alien Spacecraft
Sometimes a cigar-shaped rock is
just a cigar-shaped rock. |
Survey Reveals 27% of Americans
“Zombie Drivers”
Fortunately, not all zombies can drive. |
Last week we
mistakenly stated "twenty-three women
have accused the president of sexually
assaulting them," when the actual number
is twenty-two. We apologize to the
President and the First Lady. |