California's Super Bloom
Draws Thousands
Returning for annual ritual of trampling
every flower in sight. |
VW CEO Apologizes for Using
Phrase, “Arbeit Macht Frei,”
(Work Sets You Free) Emblazoned
on the Gates of Auschwitz
Adds, “I trust my apology will be
the final solution to this problem.” |
Federal Judge Discovers Trump
Administration, After Agreeing to
End Family Separations at Border,
Continues to Separate Families
“We never said when,” says
Sarah Huckabee Sanders. |
Allegations, Long
Suppressed, Surface of Sexual Harassment,
Assault by St. Francis
But 700-year statute of limitations ran
out a long time ago. |
Which of the following are ideas embraced
by Vice President Mike Pence? |
A ) | Marriage should only
be allowed between a man and a woman. |
B ) | The causes of climate
change remain to be seen. |
C ) | Evolution is a myth
because God created heaved and earth in a matter of days. |
Hint: all of the above is an acceptable answer. |
In Latest Poll, 75% of Republicans
Feel Whites Discriminated Against
Complain there's no “White History Month.” |
Melania Look-Alike
Conspiracy Theory Gains Traction
President appears with woman who is
noticeably shorter, different facial shape and
overheard speaking with a thick Brooklyn accent. |