Jared Kushner,
Ivanka Trump Made at Least $82
Million Last Year in Outside Income
Some of it on the level. |
Netflix, With Info From 104-Million
Subscriber Database, Now Biggest
Hollywood Studio
Has 104 million movies in development, each
geared to a different subscriber. |
Ghostbusters, Ocean's 8
Continue Trend of Recasting Popular Films
With Female Leads
In production: all-female remakes of The Longest
Day and Young Abe Lincoln. |
AT&T-Time Warner Merger Expected to
Set Off Wave of Mergers
Creating vibrant marketplace of one dominant
multinational corporation competing with itself. |
White Collar Workers at Amazon
Being Replaced by Software
Bezos to be replaced by Alexa. |
Glow From Distant Galaxies Caused
by Massive Swarms of Diamonds
Stunning discovery points to vast riches a mere
142,000,000 light years away. |
Coming Soon:
A Shoe Made From Living Cells
Laces can be trained to tie themselves. |
Antarctica Ice Loss Triples
In Last Decade
If you go there, bring your own ice. |
World Cup: Russia Gives Train
Conductors Smiling Lessons
Reverses previous policy where smiling was forbidden. |