Average Inflation-
Adjusted Salary for Disney Employees
Dropped 15% from 2000 to 2017, While
CEO Robert Iger Pulled in $43.9 Million
in 2016 Alone
2017 even better, says “happiest person
in happiest place.” |
Disney Parks Drop Female
Auction Scene in “Pirates
of the Caribbean”
Replace it with pirate walking plank for sexual harassment. |
Toys 'R' Us Closing All Stores,
Declares Bankruptcy
Blames decision to stop selling guns. |
As Boomers Age, Home Health
Worker 3rd Fastest-Growing Job
Right behind marijuana delivery man. |
New Theory: Collapsing Higgs
Bosons Could Destroy Universe
In 10139 Years
Not to worry: NASA reports large asteroid that
can't be stopped will strike Earth in 2135. |
Trump Proposes Cutting Funds
For Scientific Research
Plan hailed by the Flat Earth Society,
Friends of Coal, American Adults Who
Believe in Santa Claus, and Densa. |
Wearable Scanner
Images Your Brain While You Move
And it's a great conversation starter. |
Scientists Closer to Male
Birth Control Pill
Final hurdle: making it resemble a Tic Tac. |