Plagiarism Software
Reveals Source for Words, Passages
in Eleven of Shakespeare's Plays
And finds sixteen of his sonnets were copied
from greeting cards. |
Critics Lambaste Frito-Lay's
Plans for Softer, Quieter, Less
Messy Doritos Aimed at Women
And men who call themselves feminists. |
San Diego: 9-Year-Old Girl Scout
Sells 300 Boxes of Cookies in One
Hour in Front of Marijuana Dispensary
Currently being recruited by Morgan Stanley. |
Trump Asks
Pentagon to Stage Huge Military Parade
And learn to goosestep. |
The federal government is facing higher
budget deficits due to the loss of revenue
from: |
A ) | U.S.
corporations hiding profits offshore. |
B ) | The ups
and downs in valuation of the U.S. dollar. |
C ) | Republican
tax cuts. |
Hint: tax cuts are always good
for the economy, except when they're not. |
Kim Jong Un's Sister Seated
Near Pence at Opening of
Winter Olympics
Pence makes sure his wife is in between. |