Michelle Bachmann:
God Doesn't Want Me to Run for Senate
Told her she's “nutty as a fruitcake.” |
Some Fear Russia Trying
To Hack Oscars
To sow doubt in our most sacred institutions. |
Mnchin Assures
Lawmakers, “Not Overly Concerned About
the Market Volatility”
“I'm in bonds,” he adds. |
Dodge Criticized
for Using Martin Luther King Jr.'s Voice to Sell Trucks
Makers of Ambien slammed for appropriating
his “I Have a Dream” speech. |
Research Finds Animals
Capable of Counting as
Well or Better Than Humans
So relax, let your cat do your taxes. |
NASA Releases Most Distant
Photo Ever
Taken a few seconds before big bang. |
For First Time, Thousands of
Planets Detected Outside Our Galaxy
Another blow to Milky Way exceptionalism. |
DNA from
Oldest Human Found in Britain Reveals
Ancestors Came From Middle East After
Leaving Africa
Bringing with them bad food, teeth, and sex. |
Meditation Doesn't Make You Calmer;
Leaves You Just as Aggressive, Prejudiced
According to study of Buddhist soldiers in Myanmar. |