Germany: Sandcastle Verified
by Guinness as World's Largest
Later, Guinness verifies world's largest mob of
bullies who destroy it. |
Study: Later School Starting
Time Would Save $9 Billion a Year
Letting kids skip school altogether would save $1 trillion. |
Supreme Court to Hear Cake Case
Which Could Legalize Discrimination
As long as it's based on sincerely held religious beliefs. |
Pope Francis Reveals
He Visited Psychoanalyst for 6 Months to
“Clarify Some Things”
Like a conflicted relationship with The Father. |
Film studios are looking desperately for
something to bring back lost audiences.
What might they actually do? |
A ) | Lower the astronomical price of tickets. |
B ) | Lower the astronomical price of popcorn. |
C ) | Release more good movies, fewer bad ones. |
D ) | Sell beer, wine, marijuana, and mushrooms. |
E ) | Pay Congress to shut down YouTube, Netflix,
cable, Internet. |
F ) | Accelerate rollout of “Feelies.” |
G ) | Do nothing but bitch, whine and complain all
the way to the bank. |
Hint: Accelerating the rollout of “Feelies” might help. |
Thousands of
Trump-Shaped Ecstasy
Pills Seized in Germany
Eric, Don, Jr. deny any involvement. |