Smuggled Into Country in Potato Chip Cans
Bet you can't eat just one. |
Dubai Introduces Robot
Police Officer
Will issue tickets to illegally parked driverless cars. |
Almost Every Former NFL Player
Examined So Far Has Brain Damage
Thanks to years of thrilling, crowd-pleasing hits. |
Months After
Videos of Violent Mistreatment of Passengers,
United Reports Big Profits
Passengers willing to put up with occasional
beating to save a few bucks. |
“Revenge is a dish which people of
taste prefer to eat cold.” Who said it? |
A ) | Jeff Sessions on Twitter. |
B ) | John McCain, on the floor
of the U.S. Senate. |
C ) | James Comey in a private
aside to Jeff Sessions. |
D ) | Louis, in the movie
Kind Hearts and Coronets. |
Hint: A), B), and C) are plausible enough,
even though they're not the correct answers, but partial credit
will be given. |
Trump 2005
Sketch of NY Skyline Sells at Auction for
To a paunchy man with orange hair. |
Facing Criticism, Trump to
Give Different Address to
Boy Scouts Next Year
With fewer gay jokes |