Malik Obama,
Roger Clinton, Billy Carter Honored
Each receives star on Embarrassing Sibling Walk of Fame. |
Melania Trump's
Website Taken Down After It's Revealed She Didn't
Graduate College With a Degree in Architecture
New one credits her with Ph.D. in Economics from Trump University. |
Trump: “I'm Much
More Humble Than You Would Understand”
“Not to boast,” he adds. |
Disney Gets Patent
to Take Pictures of Visitors' Feet
Possibly thinking of opening a fetishist theme park. |
Scientists Tout
Cockroach Milk as Next Superfood
Cockroach cultivation in our inner cities will create
thousands of jobs. |
Ancestor of
All Living Things: Luca, a Single-Cell Organism
That Lived 4 Billion Years Ago in Deep
Sea Vents
And yet, in all those years, not one living thing has
thought to call, or send a card. |
Ice Bucket
Challenge Actually Produced an ALS Breakthrough
Hopes to wipe out disease altogether with Hot Coals Challenge. |
Little Talk of God in Trump Speeches
Unless you count expletives. |