Trump's Mar-a-Lago Estate
Threatened by Rising Seas
Trump says he'll move it to 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue, live in it
while he's President, then sell
it to the country and “make a ton
of money.” |
Recent Events Cast Doubt on
Self-Driving Cars
And self-financing candidates. |
Swiss Coffee Shop, The Fellatio
Cafe, Lists Oral Sex on Its Menu
Upping ante in its quest to surpass Starbucks. |
88% of South Koreans Now
Using Smartphones
Other 12% looking for their smartphones. |
LG Electronics Has Begun Selling
TVs That Repel Mosquitoes
“Official TV of the Rio Olympics.” |
Discovery: Neanderthals
Butchered, Ate Each Other
But were otherwise respectful. |
Scientists Disprove So-Called
“Five Second Rule”
Will now turn their attention to even
more dubious “four second rule.” |
Stanley Kubrick's Daughter
Debunks Theory Her Father
Staged Moon Landing
Tells reporters, “it must have
been someone else.” |
UK Scientists Develop
Dental Fillings That Stimulate Stem
Cells to Regrow, Heal Damaged Teeth
But how to get Brits to go to
dentist still a mystery. |
Italian Study: Eating Pasta
Does Not Cause Obesity
Finds people who eat it already obese. |