Longtime Hunter of Loch Ness
Monster Now Believes It's Merely
a Large Catfish
And would be just fine
breaded and fried. |
Most Conservatives Opposed
To Compromise, Most
Liberals Favor It
People who don't know if they're conservative or
liberal don't know if they're for it or against it. |
Study: Shoppers Who Use Reusable
Bags Buy More Junk Food
Improving likelihood planet will outlive them. |
Trump Tweet
of Campaign Ad Featuring Nazi Soldiers
Quickly Deleted
Hard to tell from ad whether Trump
for or against them. |
There are now 17 Republicans seeking the
GOP nomination for president. This field is
so large that it requires: |
A ) |
Two different debates. |
B ) |
A new source of hot air. |
C ) |
Three rings. |
Hint: and a backfiring VW Beetle. |
Swinger Cruises Gaining Popularity
Swingers cautioned not to hold orgies on one side of boat. |
Former Head
of Medicare Hired as Top
Lobbyist for Health Insurance Companies
Didn't let revolving door hit her on way out. |