Petraeus Fined $100,000 for Leaking
Secrets to Former Lover
Will come out of $1 million he’ll get for movie rights. |
Fox News: Minority Communities
Need to be More Sensitive to the Police
They have feelings, too. |
Comcast Drops Bid for
Time Warner Cable
Deal broke down when negotiators for each
side kept getting put on hold. |
Diet Pepsi to Stop Using
Will use “some other chemical,” says spokesman. |
Kraft Removes All Artificial Colors,
Preservatives From Its Mac & Cheese
Leaving nothing. |
Reproductions of 25,000-Year-Old
Cave Drawings Go on Display in France
25,000-year-old drawings were themselves
reproductions of 50,000-year-old drawings. |
Astronomers Baffled
by Giant Unexplained Hole in Space
And giant eye peering through it. |
Physicists Closer to Understanding Dark Matter
Public further from understanding physicists. |
Lifelike Humanoid
Can React to Facial Expressions, Make
Conversation, Eye Contact
And won't spend all its time staring at its
damn smartphone. |