Urban Outfitters
Selling Hillary Nutcrackers
Basically conceding the election to her. |
Ku Klux Klan Chapter Opens its Doors to
Hispanics, Blacks, Jews, Gays
And to all people who hate them. |
Revealed: Chinese Hacked Into U.S.
Weather Systems in October
Explains all that smog, and Al Roker's
foreign accent. |
New Theory: Jesus Was
Married, Had Children
And a dog. |
World Cup Scandal Report Accuses Top
FIFA Officials of Massive Corruption
Or, in FIFA officials' summation of
report, clears them of any wrongdoing. |
Australia is hosting the G-20 Summit,
but Australians are intensely
embarrassed about it because: |
A ) | Their premier, Tony
Abbott, only opens his mouth to change feet. |
B ) | Australia is so far
away from everywhere else that other countries tend to forget
it's there. |
C ) | "Throw another
shrimp on the barbie, Mate!" |
D ) | The most famous
Australians are Kanga and Roo. |
Hint: And they didn't even live in Australia. |
Latest Guinness
World Records Announced |
Shown (l to r): world's shortest, tallest, biggest. |