Warhol's “Triple Elvis”
Sells at Auction for $82 Million
Buyer had to hock ten Rembrandts to pay for it. |
Russia to Create Own Version of Wikipedia
With its own version of misinformation. |
ISIS Plans to Mint Own Currency
Though they'll still accept personal checks. |
Largest Chocolate Makers Say World
Running Out of Chocolate
Suggest celebrating Easter every other year. |
Mormon Church
Officially Acknowledges Joseph Smith Had Up to
40 Wives
Says he was faithful to all of them. |
Study: Playing Video Games
May Improve Brain
Concludes parents should encourage
their children to try playing video games,
if only for a short while at first. |
Global Warming Will Cause
Increase in Lightning Strikes
Causing more forest fires, causing more
global warming. |
Raise Chickens From 1957, 1978, 2005
At this rate, chickens in 2042 will be the
size of a Chevy Suburban. |
Scientists Can Predict Spread of Disease
by Studying Wikipedia Reading Habits
Apparently consuming vast amounts of
inaccurate information makes us more susceptible. |
Researchers Find New Virus in Most
Humans That's Making Us Dumber
Fortunately we were still smart enough to find it. |