Debut: New Fox Reality Show “Utopia”
Aims at Viewers of VH1's “Dating Naked,”
Discovery Channel's “Naked and Afraid”
Meanwhile, stars furious someone
leaked their naked selfies. |
Study: People Eat More Snacks
Watching Action Movies Than
Watching Charlie Rose
On Charlie Rose next week:
Sylvester Stallone, Vin Diesel,
Jackie Chan. |
99% of Comments to FCC
Favor Net Neutrality
Only one percent favor using their
immense wealth and political clout
to oust any FCC commissioner
who votes for it. |
X Prize for
First Working "Star Trek" Tricorder Finalists
One of ten geniuses will receive $10 million
and get to meet George Takei. |
Geologists: Earth Entering Anthropocene Era
Dress appropriately. |
Rock Engravings
Prove Neanderthals More Creative Than Previously
Unlike humans, they kept art in their
schools' curriculum. |
Dinosaur Ever Discovered
Dreadnoughtus Schrani weighed 65 tons,
ate voraciously, and decomposed into
enough petroleum to drive a Chevy Suburban
from Chicago to Detroit. |