Robots Could Presage Future of
“Live” Entertainment
Nightclubs featuring sexy robots performing for
humanoids arriving in
driverless cars. |
Washington, D.C. Decriminalizes Marijuana
It's now as legal for an adult to buy a joint as it is for a
tobacco lobbyist to buy a congressman. |
Southern California Has Less
Than One Tenth the Bank
Robberies it Had 20 Years Ago
Criminals now top executives at banks. |
Study: 1 in 5 Army Recruits Has
Some Form of Mental Illness
Ratio climbs to 5 in 5 among those who
re-enlist. |
Millennials Present Problems
for Economy's Future
They don't drive, they don't shop, they
don't travel and they don't work. |
Report: Climate Change May Cause
“Cascading System Failures”
First the ice caps will melt, then the
coasts will flood, then the power grid
will go out, then the cable will go
out — and that's when it gets serious. |
Study: Half of U.S. Adults Use
Phones for Sexting
Shouldn't you? |
Kim Kardashian
Insures Her Finest Asset for $21 Million
But won't get a dime if something bad happens
to her head. |
Every Man in North Korea
Required to Get a Kim
Jong-un Haircut
Every man in Freedonia required
to get a Rufus T. Firefly haircut. |
Candidate Opposing Sisi in
Egypt Drops Out of Race,
Says He Was Directed to
Quit by God
Who appeared to him in the form of 12
heavily armed soldiers. |
China Bans Eating Endangered
Panda Express shutters. |
Study: Umpires Get 14% of
Non-Swinging Pitches Wrong
Suggests correcting problem
by killing the umps. |
New Jersey: Probe Finds Christie
“Blameless” in Bridgegate
He “didn't know nothin' about nothin',”
concludes investigation conducted
by his good friend's law firm, which
billed the state $1 million. |
Report: $184 Billion Lost to
Tax Havens
Money that could have gone to desperately
needed military projects. |
Percentage of Americans Skeptical
of The Bible Jumps to 19%
Same as for The Hobbit. |
Berlusconi Sentenced to
One Year Community Service Working
With Elderly
Court rejects his request to work with troubled teens. |