In Beijing, Michelle Obama Calls Free
Speech, Open Access to Information
“Universal Rights That Are the Birthright
of Every Person on This Planet”
As reported by Tibetan News Service. |
Pope Warns Mafia Assassins
They Will Go to Hell
Then adds, “But what do I know?” |
Robots Replacing Reporters
At Many Newspapers
Algorithms instantly generate pre-programmed
content, cost pennies and don't smoke or drink. |
Federal Judge Excoriates Toyota in $1.2
Billion Settlement Over Failing to Recall
Cars, Won’t Allow Them To Use Payout
as Tax Deduction
But can write off $1.2 billion paid to
lawyers to fight suit. |
Study: Electric Cars Go Half
As Far in Frigid Weather
Recommended: dress warm, bring blankets. |
Astrophysicists Reveal: Universe Went
From Smaller Than an Atom to 100
Trillion Trillion Times Bigger At Rate
Faster Than Speed of Light
Something to think about next time you're on line at the DMV. |
Study: Helping Your Kids
With Homework Does More
Harm Than Good
Bad for their self-esteem (and yours). |
Frightening 10 Foot Tall Birdlike
Dinosaur Discovered
Shown: artist's rendering just
before he was ripped to shreds. |
New Study Finds No Benefit to
Reducing Intake of Saturated Fat
Results reached after observing
thousands of sickly looking vegans
who shop at health food stores. |
University Shocked: Duke
Student Reveals She Acts
In Porn Films to Pay Tuition
Maintains a 4.0 in her major, Erotic Studies. |