Australian Store
Charges $5 “Just Looking” Fee,
Refunded if You Buy Something
You can also pay $3 to not enter store at all. |
After Provoking Outrage, Local
Officials in SW England Back
Down on Threat to Ban Apostrophe
But long knives are out for the semicolon. |
Powerful New Earth-Observation Satellite
Snaps First Photos
Documents shrinking coastlines, vanishing
nude beaches. |
French Province
Using Drones to Deliver Newspapers
Featuring computer-generated content and printed
by automated presses, it's delivered right to the
door of its humanoid readers. |
The Gray Divorce Boom: why? |
A ) | No longer keeping the family together for the kids. |
B ) | Living longer, spending more quality time together. |
C ) | Need to keep lawyers, accountants employed. |
D ) | The Baby Boom Generation making trouble again. |
Hint: Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64? |
For Her and Zombie For Him Perfumes Hit
Fragrances mimicking the stench of rotting
flesh are in vogue again. |