Former Presidents Cost Taxpayers
$3.7 Million Last Year
Mostly in art supplies. |
Yahoo Buys 17-Year-Old's App
For $30 Million
Hey, your kid reached the highest level on
Angry Birds, didn't he? |
1966-2011: Average Annual
Income Rose $59 for Bottom 90
Percent, $116,071 for Top 10%
Wide disparity expected to continue right
up until World War III. |
Fully- Loaded Honda Odyssey
Comes With Built-In Vacuum Cleaner
And live-in maid. |
Study: Robot Ants Outperform
Real Ants
Find their way to food in your picnic basket
in half the time it takes real ones. |
Study: Brain Scans of Convicts Can Predict
Which Ones Most Likely to Become
Repeat Offenders
Works equally well on bankers. |
Study: Social Isolation Increases
Death Risk
Time to bring Granny down from the attic. |
Study: Your Facebook Likes
Reveal Your Personality
If you like darkness, Nazis and snuff
films you're probably a little grouchy. |
Court Awards Man $8 Thousand for Being
Stuck on Disneyland's “It's a Small
World” Ride for 30 Minutes
Overturns original award of $8 billion. |