Hologram of Tupac
Shakur Wows Crowd at Music Festival
Later, hologram of lawyer representing late rapper's estate
appears, demands $100,000. |
Time Releases Its “100 Most
Influential People in the World”
Not one of them has ever read Time. |
Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys
Leading Bee Research Firm
To report on “many beneficial effects
of pesticides on bees.” |
Business Travelers Fly Less,
Stay Longer
As extramarital affairs require more and
more time. |
Says It Has Stopped Using Red
Dye Made From Crushed Bugs
But will continue to use pureed bat feces. |
Fracking Linked to Six-Times
Rise in Number of Earthquakes
But it could reduce our dependence
on foreign fracking. |
Study: Shakespeare Makes
You Smarter
Much smarter than those idiots who think
they're getting smarter listening to Mozart. |
Experts: Woman's 2.2 Gallon
a Day Coca-Cola Habit May
Have Contributed to Her Death
Company calls allegation “junk science.” |
More Communities Have Accepted
Treated Wastewater
More Republicans have accepted
Romney. |
“Hangover Heaven”
Mobile Service Promises Recovery From
Drunkenness in 45 Minutes
Or your wallet back. |