Experimental Aircraft Flew at
Mach 20 Before Disappearing
Thinks it went back in time,
explaining past UFO reports. |
14 Indicted in California for
Arranging Sham Marriages
Not yours, other sham marriages. |
Incoming College Freshmen
Younger Than Internet
They've never known a world without
anonymous snarky comments. |
No Progress in NBA Talks
League considers under six-foot league. |
NFL Teams Curb Hazing of
Decides it's no way to treat
multimillionaires. |
What’s the best way
to officially earn the
title, “Patriot”? |
A ) | Volunteer for
the United States Armed
Forces. |
B ) | Sing all the
verses of “The
Star-Spangled Banner” on key. |
C ) | Uphold and
defend the Constitution. |
D ) | Fly an
American flag on national
holidays. |
E ) | Raise
$500,000 for Rick
Perry’s presidential
campaign. |
Hint: what
would Jesus do? |
PETA Starts Porn Site to
Promote Veganism
Working mostly with cucumbers, bananas. |