New Book
Claims Gandhi, German
Bodybuilder Were Lovers
Critics insist they only
worked out together. |
Some Prepare for End of World
on May 21, Others on Dec. 12, 2012
Some buying survival gear now, others
waiting for summer sales. |
FDA: No Proof Food Dyes Make
Kids Hyperactive
May turn them purple, but nothing
neurological. |
Tiger Mother’s Daughter
Accepted at Harvard
After mom yelled at, humiliated Dean of
Admissions. |
In “Madden: NFL
'12” Concussions Knock Players Out
of Games
“Madden: NFL '13” will add
career-ending injuries. |
Wisconsin Governor Scott
Walker has appointed
which of the following to
an $81,500-a-year
government job managing
state environmental and
regulatory issues and
overseeing dozens of
Commerce department
employees: |
A ) | an
experienced manager with
an impressive resume. |
B ) | a well
qualified corporate
executive who shares his
political views. |
C ) | a veteran
supervisor from Mars. |
D ) | a 26-year-old
college dropout with two
DUI convictions who is
the son of a major
campaign donor. |
Hint: it's
not anybody from another
planet. |
57% of Japanese Think
Government, TEPCO Have Adequately
Apologized for Ongoing Nuclear Disaster
43% think government, TEPCO
haven't apologized enough (and apologize
for thinking that). |