Churchill Suppressed UFO Report
During World War II
Unnerved by reported sighting of
“cigar-shaped” object. |
Women Find Guys Wearing
Red Sexier
According to Journal of
Researchers With Way Too Much Time on
Their Hands. |
Google: 129,864,880 Books in
Not counting novel you're working on. |
Little League to Employ
Instant Replay
Only for home runs and crying. |
Miami Heat Sell All Season
Tickets, Then Fire Season Ticket Sales
Tells vendors after they sell all their
hot dogs they'll be let go, too. |
Brett Favre
Says He's Not Unretiring
Until He Decides He Isn't
But he's not sure. |
The Supreme Court has
recently chipped away at
Miranda warnings for
suspects. Which of the
following limits to
Miranda rights have not
been handed down? |
A ) | Suspects must
now speak to the police
in order to remain
silent. |
B ) | Police
don’t have to
explain a lawyer can be
present during
questioning. |
C ) | Time frame
when they are valid has
been limited. |
D ) | Police
don’t have to give
the Miranda rights
directly, if they act
them out reasonably well
in a game of charades. |
Hint: sounds like
“flights.” |
Disney World Opening
Luxury Pet Resort
Chance for Fido to meet Pluto. |