Airs World's First Film Shot
Entirely by Chimpanzees
Plot involves giant human who
escapes his chimp captors, goes
on a rampage, falls in love with
a beautiful female gorilla and
carries her to the top of the
Empire State Building where he's
shot down by baboons piloting
pre-WWII aircraft. |
California School District
Bans Merriam-Webster Dictionary for Words
Oral Sex
Students told to ask their friends what
oral sex means. |
Texting, Cellphone Bans Don't Lower
Number of Traffic Accidents
Many simply write letters in longhand
while driving, which is legal. |
Apple: iPad
Replaces Everything
Except pad of paper. |
As Super Bowl Approaches,
Anticipation Builds
For the commercials. |
Which of the following
questions, mailed by
the GOP in an official
looking envelope with
the warning, Official Document,
Do Not Destroy, and
labeled 2010
District Census
does not appear in the
enclosed document? |
A ) | Do you think
the record trillion
dollar federal deficit
the Democrats are
creating with their
out-of-control spending
is going to have
disastrous consequences
for our nation? |
B ) | Do you worry
that the Obama
administration is
committed to greatly
expanding the
government's role in your
life? |
C ) | Is there
nothing the GOP will not
do to mislead voters? |
Hint: You have
to ask? |
New Theory:
Mona Lisa a Self-Portrait
A lousy one. |