Express Sympathy for
McCain's Anger
Management Problems
Must constantly deal with
other Republicans. |
Survey: Men in Their 30's
Doing Worse Financially Than Their
But vastly superior at video games. |
China Readies Beijing for '08
Cleaning streets, planting flowers,
jailing dissidents. |
Bobby Cox Closing In on Being
Thrown Out of Record 131 Games
Critics argue most of his ejections
came during steroids era. |
Rothko Sold
for Record $73 Million
New owner plans to
improve it, sell it for
more. |
v. to find a
reasonable midway point
between your needs and
those of another person.
adj. not
trustworthy due to too
many compromises, as in,
“Hillary Clinton is
thoroughly ~.” |
choice for Surgeon
General: |
A ) | has
an unblemished,
outstanding record as a
doctor and hospital
administrator. |
B ) | was
selected as Physician of
the Year by the Medical
Society of Mars. |
C ) | has
admitted his poor
supervision as chief
medical director at a VA
hospital caused the
deaths of six patients in
one year, is appealing a
court finding that his
charity foundation
embezzled money from a
church, has a record of
homophobia and is a heavy
contributor to Republican
politicians. |
Hint: no medical
society on another planet
has recognized him, and
his record is not
unblemished. |
Free trade
deals making their way
through the House and
Senate have been endorsed
by: |
A ) | labor
and environmental groups
crucial to electing the
new Democratic majority. |
B ) | unionized workers in
flying saucers orbiting
the Earth. |
C ) | the
Business Roundtable, the
National Association of
Manufacturers and the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce. |
Hint: it's one
thing to make a campaign
speech, another thing to
actually vote against
large corporations. |