British Monopoly Game
Replaces Money With Debit Cards
Which can be used to buy original
version of game. |
Bikini Has Built-In Warning
For Wearers: It's Time to
Get Out of the Sun
And for older customers:
It's time to start wearing a one-piece. |
Your Own News Story
Just fill in the blanks
in this reusable News
There was more violence
in the Middle East today,
as________ fighters
struck back in _____, in
what was widely seen as a
retaliation for the raid
on nearby _____ two days
earlier, during which
_____ forces claimed to
have killed ___ members
of the _____ militia, and
an unknown number of
civilians. A spokesman
for the ____ Army said
they regretted any loss
of life in the civilian
population, but such
losses were unavoidable.
The United States has
been supportive of the
latest _____ offensive,
while deploring the high
number of civilian
said a top U.S. official
who asked to remain
anonymous due to the
sensitivity of the
subject, "it’s
the only thing these
people understand." |
Rolls-Royce, Lockheed
Martin, Home Depot,
Northrop Grumman and
Wal-Mart are among the
Fortune 500 companies
that received $12 billion
last year in contracts
from which government
agency? |
A ) | The
Monopoly Division of the
SEC. |
B ) | The
Department of Large
Business. |
C ) | The
Multinational Corporation
Agency. |
D ) | The
Small Business
Administration. |
Hint: Federal law
requires that 23% of all
government contracts be
awarded to small
businesses. |
Geese Blamed for Lake Tahoe Pollution
Penguins deny putting hole in ozone. |
Year's Winner of
Hemingway Look-Alike
Contest Dead Ringer For
Famous Author
And writes better. |