Paris Hilton
Tells Newsweek She's
“Giving Up”
Public Life
Invites everyone to join
her in her private life. |
Sen. Lugar
Meets With UN Goodwill
Ambassador Angelina Jolie
Afterwards says he's changing vote to
“no” on Bolton nomination. |
Runaway Bride
Signs $500,000 Movie Deal
Project already in
turnaround. |
Digitally Reduced Size of
Lindsay Lohan's Breasts
in Latest Film
After test audiences
responded too positively. |
MasterCard Says Security
Exposed 40 Million to Fraud
Exhausted identity thieves say they're
struggling to keep up with the work load. |
Australian Study: Sperm Motility
Differs After Viewing Different
Kinds of Porn
Researchers developed idea for study
after drinking different kinds of
Australian beer. |
Continued Uncertainties in Science
Make Public Policy Difficult
Conflicting evidence on links between
greenhouse gasses and global warming,
smoking and cancer, Darwinian evolution,
puzzles White House. |
Chimp Study
Reveals Girls Watch and Learn
While Boys Goof Off And Play
Female researchers got “no help
whatsoever” from their male counterparts
on project. |
Survey: Most Men Get Health
Information From Their Wives
And yet, curiously, women outlive their
husbands by many years. |
Study: People Who Drink Diet
Sodas Gain Weight
Possible connection to typical meal of
double cheeseburger, fries, sundae
washed down by diet soda. |