Kerry, Bush
Campaigns Converge in
Candidates take a break
from hectic schedules and toss
the football around. |
HBO to Air Polygamy Drama
Target audience is males, 15 to 89. |
GM, Ford Car Sales Off in
But horse division doing well. |
Tech-Support Workers in India
Adapting to American Customs
They’ve learned to ask callers things like,
“What is it about the On-Off switch that
you don’t understand?” and “Am
I going too fast for you, Sparky?” |
Schwarzenegger Rips
California Budget in Half
Strongman also doubles
state's debt. |
Pentagon Orders Supercomputer
Capable Of 10 Trillion
Calculations Per Second
But unable to translate Arabic to English. |
Swedish Scientist: Lost Continent of
Atlantis Was Ireland
Guinness all that remains of advanced
civilization. |
FDA Approves
Maggots for Medical Use
They'll be used to encourage
timely payment of bills. |
Know the Terror
Alert Level Without Leaving Your Home!
Ever wondered what the terror alert level was
but didn't feel like calling the Department of
Homeland Security, or turning on Fox News?
Well, now you can simply look on the wall, or
refrigerator, or wherever you put the Port-A-Lert,
a wireless, battery-operated gizmo that updates
automatically by satellite every twenty seconds.
Why be anxious when you don't have to be?
$79.95, at Homeland Depot and Bed, Bunker &
Beyond. |