Flash Mobs
Falling Out of Favor
Only one person showed up
at this one. |
Football Season Begins With
Many Stars Injured
Creates opportunities for many
lesser-known players to be injured. |
Track and Field: U.S.
Wins every event at Anabolic Steroid
Games. |
Detroit Going After SUV Owners
New models, like the '04 Oinkmobile (shown),
aim at the “conspicuous consumer in all of
us,” says GM spokesperson. |
Q: Can I vote
"no" on the recall and
still vote for one of the other
candidates? |
A: Yes. Your
vote for a replacement is not
contingent on a "yes"
vote on the recall. |
Q. Can I vote in
the recall election if I've
seen Conan the
Barbarian but am not a
California resident? |
A. No. In order
to vote in the recall election
you must be a California
resident. |
Q. If I'm not
sure who to vote for but totally
have the hots for the woman in
the next voting booth, can I mark
my ballot, "whoever the fox
in the pink bikini is voting
for"? |
A. No. You must
make a selection from
among the candidates on the
ballot, or write in the name of a
specific individual. |