Scientific Evidence Suggests
Great Artists Traced Their Works
Using a lens, they could perfectly
replicate scenes to create their
masterpieces. |
14 Countries Ahead of U.S.
Teens in Literacy, 17 Ahead in Math
But our teens better armed than theirs. |
Playboy Donates
Anatomically Correct Playmate
Dolls to Colleges, Universities
Will be used for classes
in physiology, anatomy. |
Ashcroft's First Draft of
Patriot Bill Asked for End of Habeas
Allegation by unidentified journalist,
now missing, can't be confirmed. |
Earl Wilson |
These days, the talk
up here's a lot like
the talk down there: the
Pack is back. The Rat
Pack, of course. Frank,
Dean, Sammy, and Peter
Lawford are knocked out
by the fresh attention
they're getting,
even if it is posthumous.
The boys, booked for an
eternity at Wilbur
Clark's Desert Inn,
took some time to talk
after the first show.
Joey?” asked the BW,
one dead dame not put off
by the boys'
inebriated antics.
“He's still
alive,” I informed
her. “But you'd
never know it,”
cracked Sammy. |
And how does the
original Rat Pack rate
this new bunch of suave
swingers in the remake of
their classic caper
flick, Ocean's
Eleven? “I like
the Clooney kid,”
slurred an appropriately
pickled Dino. “And
the colored fella.” |
And what does the
Chairman of the Board
think? “That Roberts
broad couldn't play
Angie Dickinson's
coathanger,” he
stated to me and a friend
who was standing nearby,
a gentleman who just
happened to have been the
35th President of the
United States.
That's Oyl, brother |