Report: Behind
Closed Doors Biden Calls Trump
a Sick Fuck
Before a large crowd of MAGA faithful
Trump calls Biden a sick fuck. |
During Holidays, Hallmark
Channel Beat Out CNN, MSNBC
CNN announces A Wolf Blitzer
Family Christmas will premiere
next December. |
Delaware Judge Voids Elon
Musk's $55 Billion Bonus
Package From Tesla
Reduces it to a frozen turkey. |
Report: New York Times
Earnings Higher Thanks
to Increased Emphasis
on Games
Their new slogan: All the _ _ _ _ That's Fit to Print. |
Fox News Warns Taylor Swift
to Stay Out of Politics
It's none of your beeswax, says
Judge Jeanine Pirro. |
Musk Says He's Implanted
First Neuralink Brain Chip
in Human Patient
And she's the next Mrs. Musk. |
Apple's Vision
Pro Augmented Reality Headset Goes on Sale
For $3,499 you can see reality in a
whole new light: with advertising. |
Study: AI Chatbots Choose
Violence, Nuke Strikes Over
Negotiation in Wargames
And that won't change, say experts,
until chatbots get drafted. |